Social Media Marketing Trends for 2022

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by | Dec 16, 2022

Social media marketing is critical to small businesses. It continues to be a significant element in digital marketing. Social media profiles allow you to share content, drive traffic to your website, sell goods and services, and engage customers. Because it has so many roles to play, it’s constantly changing. So, what social media marketing trends are important for small businesses right now? Let’s find out.

Why Should You Care About Social Media Marketing?

You may think that social media marketing doesn’t deliver returns, or you don’t have the time to devote to it. But not participating on social media could impact your brand reach, credibility, and more.

Having an active profile on social media sites can deliver many benefits. First, you can cultivate a community and grow your following. Second, it enables you to connect with users that may not find you otherwise. Third, it acts as a content distribution channel so that your blogs, videos, and other content find a greater audience.

To reap these benefits, you have to keep up, and that’s challenging. There are so many platforms, and they evolve rapidly with new features. Here’s what we know about social media marketing trends for 2022.

Live Streaming Enables Engagement

Live streaming is a popular content format on many different social media sites. The amount of live stream content rose last year, in part due to the pandemic. Brands created how-to content or had a live Q&A to compensate for the lack of in-person interaction.

Consumers are enjoying it, with 40% wanting to see more of it. Live streaming doesn’t require you to be a Hollywood director. It should be authentic and natural. Consider what will resonate with your audience and what topic is best for this format. For example, local builders could live stream a conversation about materials and how they function.

Stories Grab Attention

Multiple social media profiles allow you to create stories, which are usually temporary. However, you can create collections of stories on Instagram.

Because they have this temporal allure, users may choose to engage with them more than other posts. A study revealed that Instagram stories have a 5.65% higher tap-forward than just regular videos.

Are stories right for you? They work well for product promotion and events. Stories are a great content format to test out new approaches to connecting via social media.

Augmented Reality Creates New Opportunities

Digital acceleration received a boost in 2020. Consumers needed new ways to experience products since they couldn’t do so in person. Enter augmented reality (AR). AR doesn’t require additional hardware like virtual reality, so it’s more accessible. Many brands are using AR filters on social media to engage with customers.

It’s creative and something most consumers will want to view and consume. When creating AR opportunities, you should keep fun in mind. Utility matters as well, including using AR to allow customers to see items in their homes.

Social Commerce Remains Dominant

Another social media marketing trend that’s not cooling is social commerce. It’s becoming easier and more seamless for customers to buy in this channel. Facebook Shops is one of the most prominent.

Social media users already use these platforms to find and research new products. If they can purchase within the same experience, it’s more convenient, and consumers love convenience. Managing this can be complex, so if you plan to experiment with social commerce, get support from a social media marketing agency.

Ready to Leverage Social Media Marketing Trends for Your Brand?

Social media marketing involves many moving pieces, but staying up to date on trends can help you attract and engage customers. If you need help with this area of digital marketing, we can help. Get in touch with our social media marketing experts today.

Social Media Marketing Trends for 2022

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