A Guide for Small Business Social Media Marketing - AQ Marketing Woburn, MA

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by | Jan 14, 2021

Social media has evolved dramatically. Once a place to share pictures of pets, vacations, and recipes, social media is now a channel that companies use to distribute content, promote offers, and connect with fans. This evolution created social media marketing, and small businesses can use their profiles to market to their audiences. Social media marketing is complex, so if you’re unsure where to start, here are some easy tips for small business social media marketing.

Why Social Media Marketing Matters for Small Business

Social media has become part of the cultural norm. In 2020, there were approximately 3.6 billion social media users worldwide. These consumers use social media for more than just personal reasons. They seek it out to explore brands, find new products, and make purchases. The reality is that the buyers you want are on social media, so you need a presence as well.

Social Media for Small Business Tips

If your company has profiles with little traction or has yet to take the plunge, it’s a good idea to learn about some tips that can help.

Focus on Platforms That Are Most Relevant to Your Audience

There are so many social media sites, but it would be almost impossible to manage all of them as a small business. So, you need to figure out which ones matter. Facebook still dominates with the most users, with YouTube in second.

How do you decide? Consider your audience’s demographics, whether you sell a product or service, and which one gives you the most options. For example, Instagram is image-based, so it’s a great fit for physical products. LinkedIn, on the other hand, is the most prevalent platform for B2B businesses. Stick to three profiles and optimize them; otherwise, it will get too overwhelming.

Develop a Plan for Content to Share

The key to engagement on social media is consistently sharing content. This could be blogs, images, or videos. That means you’ll need a pipeline of content so you can keep feeding the social media engines. However, you shouldn’t share only your content. Curate content from third parties that fits with your industry and would be interesting for followers. It could be content from trade publications, local news, or your partners.

Define Your Goals

What’s the purpose of social media for your brand? A small business social media strategy should consider goals. Some examples include:

  • Increasing traffic to your website
  • Encouraging engagement with fans
  • Making sales
  • Building thought leadership and credibility

Whatever your goals are, you need to outline them and design a plan to reach them, along with the metrics you’ll track to understand success.

Respond Quickly to Comments and Questions

When someone comments on a post, you need to respond as quickly as possible. While the hope is that these will be positive, you may also have to deal with complaints. Either way, it’s critical to follow up on the comment with the best answer, then take the conversation offline to either resolve an issue or convert a prospect.

Optimize Your Profiles

For each profile you create, be sure it’s complete. Most allow for a logo image as well as a banner image, so upload these. You should also change out your banner throughout the year, depending on seasons or promotions. You should also submit descriptions, contact us information, and other areas. Your profiles will be more attractive and credible just by doing this.

Ready to Get Social?

Small business social media marketing can be time-consuming and challenging. You likely don’t have the capacity to keep up. That’s why small businesses turn to AQ Marketing. Find out about our monthly social media marketing services today.

A Guide for Small Business Social Media Marketing

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