5 Reasons to Outsource Digital Marketing - AQ Marketing Woburn, MA

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by | Aug 10, 2021

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) often struggle with resources and expertise in several areas. While they know they need to execute on initiatives, they face roadblocks with capacity. Digital marketing is one of those areas, and it’s fundamental to their growth. Many find success when they outsource digital marketing.

But why should they? Let’s find out.

It’s Not Your Core Competency

Digital marketing is likely not a core competency for your brand. While you have deep knowledge of your product or solution, marketing it is different. If you don’t have a person or team with experience doing this, you’ll likely waste money and time. However, when you tap experts to manage your digital marketing campaigns, from SEO to social media marketing to brand identity, you’ll likely find greater success.

They have the know-how to optimize your marketing and execute tactics that will drive more traffic to your website and convert more prospects.

It’s More Cost-Effective

Hiring a full-time digital marketing specialist won’t be cheap. These seasoned professionals may come with a hefty price tag that’s not in your budget. Instead, you can be more strategic with your spend by partnering with an agency.

You still have more control over how you allot budget without the higher fixed cost of staff.

Campaigns Will Launch Faster

Ramping up to a campaign can be time-intensive internally. There are lots of details to button up for execution. In addition, if your team members have lots of different competing priorities, pulling the trigger on a new search engine marketing (SEM) project could hit lots of roadblocks.

Working with a professional partner can accelerate the process for several reasons:

  • They know all the components needed for a campaign launch and have processes in place.
  • Their expertise means they don’t run into issues with execution because they are masters of digital marketing.
  • They plan out workflows that encompass all the elements of a campaign to streamline and save time.

If you don’t want to keep delaying initiatives, you’ll find more value when outsourcing digital marketing.

Your ROI Will Get a Boost

One of the biggest challenges for SMBs is defining the ROI of digital marketing. It’s a data-driven aspect, which means you need all the right things to track ROI and attribute revenue to the efforts.

If you’re new to digital marketing, it’s normal to make mistakes and hopefully learn from them. However, the benefit of outsourcing digital marketing is that you have a dedicated team with extensive experience. They’ll guide you to the right kind of campaigns and ensure you know exactly how they performed.

You’ll Gain a Competitive Edge

Digital marketing is constantly changing — specifically, the channels you use and buyer behaviors. Responding to this is necessary to drive results. Unfortunately, keeping pace is like a full-time job. When you work with an agency, it’s literally their job to stay current on trends. That means they’ll present you with ideas and proposals that make sense in the current environment and will be most relevant to the audience you want to target.

Outsourcing Digital Marketing Makes Good Business Sense

If your organization has neither the time nor knowledge to support digital marketing, find a partner that can. We’re proud to help SMBs with all their digital marketing needs, delivering real results that equal more revenue. Contact us today to learn more.

5 Reasons to Outsource Digital Marketing

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