Why Use Video in Social Media Marketing - AQ Marketing Woburn, MA

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by | Jun 10, 2021

The world of social media is all about content. It’s a distribution channel as well as one to build a community. You can use many types of content in social media marketing — articles, images, and videos. Using video in social media marketing can be a great way to engage, educate, and drive traffic to your website.

However, you may have questions about how to do it and if it’s worth it. Let’s dive into the topic.

Video Content Gets More Engagement

Video consumption online is growing rapidly. Consumers spend hours watching videos on social media, YouTube, and websites. A report on the state of video marketing revealed that people watch an average of 16 hours of online video per week. But does video really equate to more engagement? YES!

For example, Instagram videos generate more engagement than static posts. A study found that video images have, on average, 150 comments, while image posts only have 65. Twitter also reported that video tweets have 10 times more engagement.

Once you add video to your content mix, you can gather your own data to see how those posts perform versus others.

You Have a Better Chance of Going Viral

The thrill of video content is the opportunity to go viral. You can only do this if lots of users share your video. Social video can deliver 1200% more shares than text and image content combined. That’s an impressive stat that you’ll want to capitalize on because of the expanded reach.

With every share, your content makes it into new feeds where buyers who have no awareness of your brand might check you out. Of course, you want to go viral for the right reasons, so be purposeful and smart about what you create.

Video Works Across Platforms

You may think adding video in social media marketing will equal much more content creation work. However, your videos can work across platforms. In some cases, you’ll want to customize the videos based on the audiences on the sites. For example, a LinkedIn video likely looks different than the one you publish on TikTok. For the most part, it’s a reusable piece of content. Plus, you can add them to your website and landing pages.

It Can Increase Purchases

Social media is now a marketplace. B2B buyers and consumers seek out products on social media. Alternatively, they may also find them from targeted paid ads. Either way, if they catch a user’s eye, you have a great chance of making the sale. In fact, 64% of consumers made a purchase after watching branded social media videos.

The type of videos that are likely to trigger buying is those that demonstrate a product. If you can help people visualize using or wearing an item, they’ll feel more confident in making the purchase.

Videos Are a Great Medium for Learning

Creating content for your brand isn’t all about selling. Most of it should be educational. It builds your credibility. So, why not use video to do it? It can be a great supplement to blogs and whitepapers.

You can get a great return on this, as 68% of people prefer watching a video to learn about a product or service versus written content. Further, 96% of people say they watched an explainer video to find out more about a solution. Explainer videos can be fun and entertaining with animation and are cost-effective to produce.

Ready to Spice Up Your Social Media Marketing with Video?

Social media marketing can be challenging for SMBs. That’s why you need a partner that can provide an integrated strategy to ensure you get the results you desire. Talk to our experts today to get started.

Why Use Video in Social Media Marketing

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