5 Reasons Your Website Isn't Converting Visitors - AQ Marketing Woburn, MA

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by | Jan 6, 2022

Just because people find your website doesn’t mean they’ll make a purchase or contact you. Website traffic is great; conversions are better. If you’re witnessing steady streams of users exploring your site but not taking action, that’s cause for concern. What are the reasons your website isn’t converting?

You’re Not Using Conversion-Centered Design

Conversion-centered design is a set of seven principles focused on converting users on a page. By applying it to pages where your expectation is a conversion, you will likely see better results. It considers the page’s design, structure, content, and organization. If you aren’t using it, it’s something to consider.

Your Website Doesn’t Convey Credibility

When a prospective customer visits your website, they expect to learn about the quality of your product or service. Except they aren’t going to take your word for it. They want to hear from other customers. That’s why customer reviews and ratings are critical for conversions. Without them, you may not have a convincing case.

Beyond this social proof, customers may be looking for other elements that communicate that you are a reputable business. Those could include belonging to associations, having specific licenses, or earning awards.

Adding these to your website could be the difference in gaining more conversions.

Your Website Pages Are Too Busy or Confusing

Simple is often better when it comes to UX (user experience). Website pages that are heavy with copy and images may create a negative UX. That’s even more possible on mobile. If there are multiple CTAs (calls to action) on a page, the visitor may be confused about what to do next. That’s the opposite of what you want to happen.

A good way to determine if UX is the issue is to look at individual page metrics. If visitors stay on the page a long time but then abandon it, that could be why. If the page has a high bounce rate, that’s another sign.

Your Website Is Slow

People have little tolerance for slow websites. They are more apt to move on if it takes more than a few seconds to load. There are a lot of things that cause websites to be slow — images are too big, unnecessary coding, etc. — and you can test the speed. Again, you can deduce this from metrics like bounce rate and time on page.

Optimizing your pages and using a WordPress theme (versus a custom one) are the best remedies for slow websites.

Your Website Isn’t Mobile-Friendly

While most websites are responsive, meaning they automatically scale to the device, that doesn’t always mean they are mobile-friendly. And that matters when it comes to conversion because most website traffic comes from mobile devices (55.35% as of November 2021). Thus, mobile-friendliness is a must-have for conversions.

The components of website design you should assess include:

  • Navigation: Is it easy to use on mobile?
  • Text: Is it readable?
  • Buttons: Are they the right size?
  • Spacing: Is there enough white space?
  • Overall design: Is there too much clutter, or do elements look too big on mobile?

If you find any or all of this to be the case, redesigning your website may be the best course of action.

Boost Your Conversions with an Optimized Website from AQ Marketing

If any of these reasons are contributing to a lack of conversions, your website needs an overhaul. Trust the team at AQ Marketing to deliver a mobile-friendly, well-designed website that can eliminate UX problems and hook visitors. Contact us today to learn more.

5 Reasons Your Website Isn’t Converting Visitors

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